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Providing access to Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM) for patients can be a daunting exercise in primary care. With ABPM increasingly recommended for the management of hypertension, this guide breaks down the steps required to bring ABPM to your practice. 


This guide is intended for medical professionals planning to bring ABPM to their primary care or specialty practice. The guide includes resources and information from US ABPM guidelines. International guidelines may vary. Talk to an ABPM expert today about setting up 24-hr BP monitoring at your practice.


Page Contents

Introduction to ABPM

1. Guidelines for Indications and Interpretation

2. Understanding Reimbursement and Payment

3. Organizing your workflow

4. Select a device

5. Training

6. Patient Documents


What is ABPM?


Oscar2 ambulatory blood pressure monitor in use outside
  • Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM) is a 24-hour record of a patient's blood pressure.

  • An Ambulatory Blood Pressure monitor is a wearable device with a blood pressure cuff that takes blood pressure readings every 30 - 60 minutes.

  • ABPM captures BP information when a patient is awake and while asleep.

  • The device is returned to a clinician and a report is generated with the patient's BP data.


Why Use ABPM to Manage Hypertension?


The Challenges of Office BP Measurements

Office BP provides a snapshot of a patient's blood pressure and cardiovascular risk. This snapshot can offer a misleading look at something as variable as blood pressure, which changes minute to minute based on many internal and external factors. Average blood pressure is closely linked to risk of cardiovascular disease.

Relying on spot blood pressure checks rather than techniques measuring blood pressure over time can lead to over-medication, leading to patients experiencing unnecessary side-effects, or under-medication, increasing risk of cardiovascular disease for patients with undetected high blood pressure. 


The Benefits of ABPM


  • Studies have repeatedly shown that ABPM offers the most accurate way to diagnose hypertension.

  • ABPM detects a number of BP patterns missed by office or home BP:
    • Episodic hypertension
    • White coat syndrome
    • Masked hypertension
    • Nocturnal hypertension

  • Patients who have their hypertension managed have better outcomes compared to office based readings.

  • For more reasons to use ABPM to diagnose hypertension, see our blog:

Who is Recommending ABPM?

American Heart Association Over the past 2 decades, substantial data have demonstrated that BP measured by ABPM has a stronger association with hypertension-related target-organ damage and clinical cardiovascular outcomes compared with office-based BP measurements
United States Preventive Services Task force Because of its large evidence base, ABPM is considered the best confirmatory test for hypertension.
American Medical Association Research demonstrates that ABPM is a superior diagnostic tool compared to office based blood pressure monitoring (OBPM)

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1. Guidelines for Indications and Interpretation of ABPM for management of hypertension


There are now widely available guidelines for the use of ABPM in hypertension management for adult and pediatric use. Guidelines cover:

  • Indications for prescribing an ABPM to patients
  • Protocols recommended for ABPM studies
  • Interpretation of study results. 

 {tab Adults}{tab-nested Indications}The ACC/AHA guidelines recommend ABPM for:

Adults not taking antihypertensive medication with:

  • Systolic BP between 130 and 160 mm Hg or
  • Diastolic BP between 80 and 100 mm Hg should be screened with ABPM
Annual ABPM for detection of progression with a diagnosis of Elevated BP or White Coat Hypertension.{tab-nested Protocol}In 2019, the AHA released an updated scientific statement with recommended indications and protocols for ABPM. Recommendations include:
  • Schedule readings every 15–30 min during the 24-h period (48–96 total readings)
  • Duration of monitoring: 24 h of monitoring
  • Minimum recommended number of readings: ≥20 readings during the daytime period and ≥7 readings during the nighttime period. However, an ABPM recording with fewer daytime and/or nighttime readings may still be valid.
  • For each period (daytime, nighttime, and 24 h), the average of all readings should be calculated to determine mean daytime BP, mean nighttime BP, and mean 24-h BP, respectively, and other BP measures (eg, dipping).
{tab-nested Interpretation}The AHA/ACC Guideline for High Blood Pressure in Adults include recommended thresholds for hypertension for office and ambulatory blood pressure. The thresholds for Hypertension for ABPM studies according to the AHA/ACC Guideline for High Blood Pressure in Adults:
24-hour 125/75
Awake 130/80
Asleep 110/65
Dip 20%
{/tabs-nested}{tab Pediatric}{tab-nested Indications}The American Association of Pediatrics provides recommended indications for ABPM as part of the 2017 Clinical Practice Guideline for Screening and Management of High Blood Pressure in Children and Adolescents
  For Children Aged 1–<13 y For Children Aged ≥13 y
Normal BP 0 – 90th percentile (<90th) <120/<80 mmHg
Elevated BP  ≥90th percentile to <95th percentile or 120/80 mmHg to <95th percentile (whichever is lower) 120/<80 to 129/<80 mmHg
Stage 1 HTN 95th percentile + 12mmHg or 130/80 mmHg to 139/89 mm Hg (whichever is lower) 130/80 to 139/89 mmHg
Stage 2 HTN 95th + 12 mmHg or 140/90mmHg, (whichever is lower) ≥140/90 mm Hg
{tab-nested Protocol}The AAP provides recommended protocols for the use of ABPM in children and adolescents as part of the Clinical Practice Guideline for Screening and Management of High Blood Pressure in Children and Adolescents
Procedure Recommendation
Device Should be validated by the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation or the British Hypertension Society for use in children
May be oscillometric or auscultatory
Application Trained personnel should apply the monitor
Correct cuff size should be selected
Right and left arm and a lower extremity BP should be obtained to rule out coarctation of the aorta
Use nondominant arm unless there is large difference in size between the left arm and right arm, then apply to the arm with the higher BP
Take readings every 15–20 min during the day and every 20–30 min at night
Compare (calibrate) the device to resting BP measured by the same technique (oscillometric or auscultatory)
Record time of medications, activity, and sleep
Assessment A physician who is familiar with pediatric ABPM should interpret the results
Interpret only recordings of adequate quality. Minimum of 1 reading per hour, 40–50 for a full day, 65%–75% of all possible recordings
Edit outliers by inspecting for biologic plausibility, edit out calibration measures
Calculate mean BP, BP load (% of readings above threshold), and dipping (% decline in BP from wake to sleep)
Interpret with pediatric ABPM normal data by sex and height
Use AHA staging
Consider interpretation of 24-h, daytime, and nighttime MAP, especially in patients with CKD173,198
{tab-nested Interpretation}AHA and AAP guidelines on ABPM in pediatrics recommends following Wuhl tables for diagnostic thresholds:
  For Children Aged 1–<13 y For Children Aged ≥13 y
Normal BP 0 – 90th percentile (<90th) <120/<80 mmHg
Elevated BP 90th to 95th percentile (>=90th <95th) 120/<80 to 129/<80 mmHg
Stage 1 HTN 95th percentile + 12mmHg or 130/80 to 139/89 mm Hg (whichever is lower) 130/80 to 139/89 mmHg
Stage 2 HTN 95th + 12 mmHg or 140mmHg/90mmHg, whichever is lower ≥140/90 mm Hg

2. Understanding Reimbursement and Payment


Insurance Reimbursement

The return on investment of offering an ABPM service will depend on the reimbursement available. SunTech’s updated 2020 reimbursement FAQ includes:

  • CPT codes
  • ICD10 Indications
  • Average Medicare payments for ABPM
 An independent review of commercial claims put the median payment at $89.  

SunTech Reimbursement FAQ


Direct Patient Billing

Providers may also elect to offer ABPM as a patient chargeable procedure, for which typical charges range from $50 - $200.   

3. Organizing your workflow 


Adding any new service to the practice requires organization, but ABPM in particular will have additional logistics implications. Patients will need to be scheduled according to the availability of monitors at the practice.

A typical ABPM workflow

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1. Patient identified as candidate for ABPM and scheduled for study.

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2. Monitor programmed and fit to patient.

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3. Monitor is returned to the practice.

4. Report is created and sent to EMR.



Scheduling can be managed through standard practice scheduling software, with setup typically taking 10 to 20 minutes to program the device, fit the patient and perform a test reading before sending them on their way.  


Your ABPM team

You will need to assign responsibility for managing your ABPM clinic. Determine who will be:
  • Scheduling ABPM and managing devices and patient visits.
  • Facilitating and setting up ABPM studies at the practice.
  • Processing returned ABPM devices and retrieving the 24-hour study report.



Select a location for ABPM setup. This is typically an exam room and will need:
  • PC or Laptop
  • Exam bed or Chair
Tip: Outfitting your exam lanes with the software for programming ABPMs is likely to add convenience, and allows you to be flexible when setting up ABPM studies with patients but make sure to check with your ABPM manufacturer whether there are any software license restrictions and that all installations can link to the same patient database (Server - Client setup).

4. Selecting a device 


Selecting a device will depend on a number of areas, here is our review of the most important features of an ABPM: 


Understanding which BP devices are accurate can be a difficult proposition. Look for a device that has been validated to protocols accepted by the FDA and other international standards organizations. ISO 81060-2 is the most widely accepted validation protocol, but other validation protocols do exist. Other validation protocols may however have less stringent requirements for passing.  


What is a validation?

A validation is a clinical study that assesses the accuracy of a blood pressure device. Different validation protocols exist, but may have more or less stringent pass requirements. Our review of the implication of each major validation protocol available is below.


Recommended Validations

We recommend choosing a device that has at minimum a validation to the ISO 81060-2 validation, but preferably has completed the ISO 81060-2:Ergometry validation.

Validations Compared

Validation Details Rating
ISO 81060-2 The currently accepted validation for FDA and CE registration. ISO 81060-2 is an 80 subject validation that is considered the standard validation for BP devices. star xxlstar xxlstar xxlstar xxl
ISO 81060-2
The ISO 81060-2:Ergometry validation is an additional 40 patient validation that is completed on top of the standard ISO 81060-2 validation. While validations are typically conducted under controlled clinic conditions, ABPM devices that have passed the 81060-2:Ergometry protocol have been tested on subjects stressed from exercise and can be considered to be accurate even outside of controlled sedentary conditions. star xxlstar xxlstar xxlstar xxlstar xxl
British Hypertension Society (BHS) The validation standard developed by the British Hypertension Society. It is an older standard, but has strong requirements for passing. It also uniquely provides grades to passing devices, ranging from A/A to C/C based on the accuracy of the device. star xxlstar xxlstar xxlstar xxl
European Society of Hypertension (ESH:IP) The ESH:IP validation was developed as a smaller 40 person validation that can be completed more quickly than other validation, but has a lower statistical standard for passing. This validation is not accepted for FDA or CE registration. star xxlstar xxl


Motion Tolerance

Choosing an ABPM with motion tolerance ensures you are able to collect sufficient readings to intepret your results. It can be difficult to get a reliable blood pressure reading on a patient that is moving, which is why many ABPMs have motion tolerant algorithms designed to reject noise from readings. Choose an ABPM with motion tolerance to maximize the number of successful studies.


Patient Comfort

While wearing an ABPM for a day is no-one's first choice for relaxing experience, A comfortable experience will help ensure your patient wears the monitor for the full 24 hour period as well take part in follow-up ABPM studies, if necessary. Patient Comfort can be affected by the following factors:

    • The Cuff While d-ring cuffs provide the ability to remove and re-apply the cuff if needed, it can be uncomfortable for the patient to have a metal ring against their arm for the during of the 24-hour study. Some cuffs offer elastic sleeves that hold the cuff in position and allow the patient to self-apply the cuff as needed.

    • Inflation Control Some ABPMs will control inflation by only inflating the pressure as high as necessary for that patient. With the inflation level based on previous measurements. Over-inflating can be painful for the patient over repeated measurements.

    • Motion Tolerence The less readings, the better, when it comes to ABPM studies. Repeating readings because of movements during readings will result in lower patient comfort.



Although the monitor typically receives the most attention when considering a purchase, clinician time is spent mostly interacting with the software. Software that supports an efficient workflow will minimize non-valued added time and allow the best return on investment possible. 

  • EMR Integration can take minutes off the setup and processing for each study as well as cut down on manual entry errors. While you may not wish to perform an integration for your first ABPM, as your service grows, the ability to pull patient information from the EMR and automatically assign reports can be invaluable. This one feature can cut down the time you spend on data entry by 80%!
  • Study Templates allow the user to re-use existing settings and therefore setup studies in seconds. Templates can also cut down on errors in the setup of ABPM studies and ensure patients do not need to repeat studies due to incorrect setup.

  • Automatic Interpretive Summary provides an automatic interpretation of the ABPM data according to AHA, JNC or ESH guidelines. Automatic Interpretive Summary provides a speedy way to review ABPM study data. 

  • Customizable Reports will allow you to create a study report that has the information you need to make informed decisions on your patients, without pages and pages of unnecessary information.  

  • Automated Export Format is a feature that speeds up export by reducing the time it takes to export a report to your specifications.
  • Client <-> Database software will allow you to access all your patients on your PCs across the clinic. This is a useful feature if you want the freedom of fitting ABPM devices in multiple exam rooms.



  • Tech Support can be the difference between a successful or a turbulent start. Make sure your chosen supplier has videos, quick start guides, and most importantly a tech support line that understands the product!

  • Security Audits are an area where many medical device projects can get hung up, so check that your supplier is able to provide security audit documents ahead of time and can provide a contact for technical questions.



When asking for a quote, make sure you include any software licenses and missing accessories. Some ABPM suppliers require additional software licenses to use their devices. If you end up needing to add devices and PCs in the future, additional expense can add up quickly! 

Check system pricing includes these items:

  • Monitor
  • Cuffs
  • Belt/Shoulder Strap
  • Pouch
  • USB Cable
  • PC Software
  • EMR Integration (if required)
  • 2 year+ Warranty 


oscar2 ctaOur Device Recommendation: Oscar 2 ABPM

The Oscar 2™ Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor from SunTech Medical® is the gold standard in 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM). By providing valuable diagnostic information that in-clinic and home blood pressure monitoring systems are incapable of measuring, the Oscar 2 system delivers a patient-focused solution with unsurpassed comfort, data reliability and confidence. Learn more.



5. Training

Train your team. Guides and videos from your ABPM supplier can help make the process quick and smooth. Training should cover:

  • Discussing ABPM with patients
  • Programming devices for studies
  • Setting up the device for a study
  • Exporting reports to the EMR

SunTech has documents to help you training your team. You can find links to SunTech ABPM training documents below:

6. Prepare your patient materials

SunTech offers a pack of sample documents to use in your practice.




Patient Information Leaflet
Information on ABPM intended for patients.

Patient Study Guide
Guide for patients on what to expect and how to experience a successful study. Instructions on removing and refitting the cuff.

Patient Care Agreement (example)
A sample patient care agreement for patients to complete before the study. The agreement reminds the patient of the responsibilities of taking care of the monitor and returning it promptly following the study.  

Patient Diary
A printable diary to provide the patient the ability to record their activities during the study. 


Get in Touch with an ABPM Expert

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Full Line of BP Cuffs

Looking for more information about our blood pressure cuffs? Click on the links below to find out more.

BP+ Vitals Devices

Looking for more information about on our BP+ Vitals? Click on the links below to find out more.

ABPM Devices

Looking for more information about our full line of ABPM products? Click on the links below to learn more.


Stress BP Products

Looking for more information about our Stress BP products? Click on the links below to learn more.

Vet BP Products

Looking for more information about our Vet BP products? Click on the links below to learn more.