Our company has a highly trained technical department for the repair and maintenance of all types of medical equipment both nationally and imported.For this, it has highly trained personnel and test instruments to satisfy all needs, both in the repair and in the calibration of this type of equipment.Also noteworthy is the hospital experience of our technicians, which in some cases is of vital importance for the solution of the problems that arise.The service of repairs, Cardiotecnica SRL is carried out both personally, in direct contact with the medical professional, and institutionally through the modality of integral maintenance payment. We provide direct service to hospitals and clinics throughout the country. cardiotecnica.com

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Full Line of BP Cuffs

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BP+ Vitals Devices

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ABPM Devices

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Stress BP Products

Looking for more information about our Stress BP products? Click on the links below to learn more.

Vet BP Products

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